Vivek Pancholi: The Local Government Allows Us To Understand [The] Legal Structure and Doing Business Here Feels Supportive From Government Side

October 2, 2022

Vivek Pancholi of The VP Techno Labs® International.

Tell us about yourself?

I’m the Founder & CEO of The VP Techno Labs® International – cybersecurity company that helps businesses to build strong security foundation, which really helps them to generate more revenue. Started the company just right after completing computer engineering graduation.

The Company Founded in Y-2019. Having from middle class background and always ran out of finance. So there is strong possible purpose me to get into entrepreneur journey and solve the problem.

What lessons has being an entrepreneur taught you? 

Don’t let crowd decide your future. Just pick the problem the world is facing and start works on it. The other way is pick the people’s need and fill it.

If you could go back in time to when you first started your business, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

I wish i could have mentor who will guide through the entrepreneurial journey. because without mentor, it is not possible to scale a business.

A lot of entrepreneurs find it difficult to balance their work and personal lives. How have you found that?

Make 8-8-8 Rule. 8 Hours Good Sleep, 8 Hours working, 1 Hour music, 1 hour meditation, 1 hour exercise and rest of the time is with family.

This rule helps me to get balanced life even in high work pressure.

Give us a bit of an insight into the influences behind the company?

The main influences behind our company is partners, customers and unsatisfied customers. They really helps us to push better. so with the help of them, we’re constantly doing R&D, how we can improve and how we serve the market in better way!

What do you think is your magic sauce? What sets you apart from the competitors?

Our offering disrupt the cyber security industry by providing security assessment and penetration testing with zero false positive SLAs. This is money back guarantee.

Thanks to our unique approach Triple Shield DeReEN. With the help of these methodologies, we can test consumer’s digital assets even if in production mode without affecting any data or any customers.

We’re providing 24/7/365 support to our consumers and emergency breach incident response mitigation.

We will provide all these in cost effective way. and 40% Less costlier and 70% more effective than other companies. By the way our solutions and quality makes us unique and game changer.

We have also strong networks of partner companies and they work with us to fulfill both side’s consumer’s requirement.

How have you found sales so far? Do you have any lessons you could pass on to other founders in the same market as you just starting out?

Don’t chase on numbers or don’t rush for fund raising, they will come to you once you become customer’s trusted partner. Just understand your customer, what they need, how the market will throw the challenges, how you can build a better solution. Don’t just chase trends blindly!

What is the biggest challenge you have faced so far in your business, and how did you overcome it?

No mentor, No Investor. Our customers are our mentors, they’re constantly guiding us by telling us what they need and how they need! Our partners are our investors. They trusts us to serve their customers through their products ad with our solutions.

What do you consider are the main strengths of operating your business in India and the specific state you are in over other states in India?

The Local Government allows us to understand legal structure and doing business here feels supportive from government side.

What (if any) are some weaknesses of operating your business within India and your state?

The main weakness is the legal structure and lengthy process. Lot of compliance and regulatory requirement.

If you could operate your business in another state in India rather than the State you are in, which state would it be and why?

We would be in Tamil Nadu. Because south zone is IT zone. So we feel even more productive with them ever before.

India has an incredibly diverse population. How has the affected your consumer base and business?

Definitely India is incredibly diverse population, India has the people power who can control from micro organization to world’s largest organization.

India’s population helps our business to get into peoples problem, what they’re facing and pushing ourselves to solve their problems.

The simply – Find a Need and fill it. Find a Problem and get the solution.

Infrastructure is really important to businesses. How have you seen India’s infrastructure improve recently? Do you see new opportunities opening up?

Indian Infrastructure is improving day by day. More and more peoples are thinking to get into business ad that would really boost our economy and decrease poverty rate.

The Indian government is really very helpful for MSMEs (Micro to Enterprise businesses). They brought different schemes for business owners and self employed persons. So that is very appreciable.

What do you want to accomplish in the next 5 years with your business?

We are expanding our business in other countries as well and helps businesses to solve critical cyber security problems that thwarts off their consumers and also affects revenue.

So we will protect more and more business from cyber threats. We will see ourselves in next 5 years – a fastest growing , global, most promising cybersecurity brand!

And finally, if people want to get involved and learn more about your business, how should they do that?

The tariffs are relatively high impact on businesses but still some rules might be change according to business, industries to allow more and more peoples to get into business.

Follow The VP Techno Labs® International on Twitter or Linkedin.

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