Arup Roy: [India Has] a Business-friendly Environment, a Vast Population, and Impressive Progress in Technology Over the Past Decade

October 2, 2022

Arup Roy of Red Apple Technologies Pvt. Ltd..

Tell us about yourself?

Since my student days, technology tends to fascinate me. After completing higher studies, I started my journey as a CRM specialist.

This has helped me a lot to understand the opportunities and challenges of various industries.

Later, I decided to join the tech world as an entrepreneur and established my organization Red Apple Technologies.

The purpose is to help industries to accomplish goals by overcoming rising challenges pretty smoothly. Initially, we started as a small establishment in New Delhi back in 2011.

Subsequently, we have established our presence in Kolkata (India) and also abroad in Sweden and USA.

What lessons has being an entrepreneur taught you? 

My journey as an entrepreneur has been very amazing. It has taught me that you should constantly evolve with time.

You need to be passionate and committed to achieving your desired goals.

Moreover, it has helped me to realize that obstruction is not the end of success but rather an inspiration to achieve success constantly.

“Learning never ends” is an old proverb that I immensely realized when started my entrepreneurial journey into the digital world.

As technology tends to change rapidly, I and my team also have to keep an active pace with every transformation.

Finally, during this long journey, I also understand the value of patience which has helped my team to convert every opportunity into a fruitful outcome.

If you could go back in time to when you first started your business, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Well, I will never bow down to challenges. I will continue to proceed until fulfilling my aspirations and goals.

Moreover, I will constantly work on innovating new ideas to stand out in the market competition.

A lot of entrepreneurs find it difficult to balance their work and personal lives. How have you found that?

I have hardly experienced such an issue due to the constant support of my family members. They have stood beside me under all circumstances.

They never complained as I always strike a balance between my work and personal life pretty smoothly.

Give us a bit of an insight into the influences behind the company?

Back in 2011, I realized that India will emerge as the major hub of the digital revolution.

The prediction turned out to be quite accurate. At present, a vast section of our population is becoming tech savvy due to the rise of smartphones and other digital appliances.

It provided us a superb opportunity to establish our presence in the technology landscape of this country by serving the distinct tastes and requirements of this vast tech-savvy population.

We have also noticed another potential factor that a major segment of the country’s population comprises the youth who are extremely fond of gaming. It has inspired us to dedicate ourselves to providing result-oriented gaming solutions and advanced tech supports to various industries.

What do you think is your magic sauce? What sets you apart from the competitors?

A highly dedicated and experienced team of developers, designers, and other professionals constitute the strong foundation of our establishment.

They have contributed immensely to the present growth and success of this organization. We have not stuck to the stereotypical working process.

We have maintained uniqueness and originality when implementing the requirements of clients.

Our highly talented team always guides clients to attain the right solution by utilizing trending technologies.

How have you found sales so far? Do you have any lessons you could pass on to other founders in the same market as you just starting out?

Our sales team has worked day and night to ensure our business thrives and prospers everywhere.

They have helped us to obtain exciting diverse projects by earning the trust and confidence of global clients through proper communication.

I will suggest to other enterprise leaders that you should restore faith in your sales team. You should help them to overcome challenges and solve all their requirements to attain a marvelous outcome.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced so far in your business, and how did you overcome it?

Well, the main problem that I have witnessed is finding talented professionals and transforming them into valuable assets. But with the passage of time, we have successfully solved this issue.

What do you consider are the main strengths of operating your business in India and the specific state you are in over other states in India?

A business-friendly environment, a vast population, and impressive progress in technology over the past decade are allowing entrepreneurs to explore new opportunities to generate revenue.

What (if any) are some weaknesses of operating your business within India and your state?

We have not yet experienced the problem when running our business in India.

We are immensely satisfied with the pro-business environment of places like Delhi and Kolkata. It has allowed us to serve global clients quite conveniently.

If you could operate your business in another state in India rather than the State you are in, which state would it be and why?

Presently, we are extremely happing doing business in New Delhi and Kolkata. If an opportunity arrives, we will consider other tech-friendly destinations like Hyderabad or Gujarat, or Mumbai.

These places are also abundant in the highly-skilled workforce that may help us to handle upcoming technological requirements quite smartly.

India has an incredibly diverse population. How has the affected your consumer base and business?

It has gifted us a bright scope to flourish our business.

The diverse population of the country has encouraged us to innovate and solve various industrial requirements pretty smoothly. It has also helped us to build a solid presence in the digital world.

Infrastructure is really important to businesses. How have you seen India’s infrastructure improve recently? Do you see new opportunities opening up?

Yes! There has been a remarkable improvement in the country’s infrastructure over the past years. It has resulted in opening up new opportunities to ensure prosperity at the highest level.

What do you want to accomplish in the next 5 years with your business?

Our goal is decided. In the next 5 years, we are aiming to emerge as the leading destination to serve clients with 100% performance-driven solutions.

Similarly, we also intend to establish our presence as a leading global entity by delivering amazing service experiences to clients.

And finally, if people want to get involved and learn more about your business, how should they do that?

As we are not involved in selling products, it has not affected us too much. Sometimes, we have experienced some issues regarding this high tariff imposition. Overall, it has not impacted us significantly.

Well, imposing tariffs is a government decision and hence, it is very hard to comment in this regard.

Follow Red Apple Technologies Pvt. Ltd. on Twitter or Linkedin.

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