Abhishek Kiran Gupta: India Real Estate Market Is Opaque. Therefore It Is the Best Place To Introduce a Product / Platform That Adds a Layer of Transparency to the Market Stakeholders

September 26, 2022

Abhishek Kiran Gupta of Bhugol Analytics Private Limited.

Tell us about yourself?

Abhishek Kiran Gupta is a software Engineer from Mumbai University and pursued his Masters in Business Administration in USA.

He headed Research at Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) for 5+ years and headed Real Estate desk at Bank of America for 5 years.

He is the Co-Founder & CEO at CRE Matrix & IndexTap – Real Estate Analytics Start-up offering Accurate, Real-Time, Comprehensive & Authentic Data on offices, residential, warehouses across all major Indian cities to Developers, Brokers, Banks, Investors and Home Buyers.

What lessons has being an entrepreneur taught you? 

Chase Profitable Sustainable business and NOT valuation game Chase clients but your team is more important

If you could go back in time to when you first started your business, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Evaluate the team as closely as the business Always develop business plans as realistic as possible Look for partners who are like minded, ethical, Hungry to grow Look for Investors who understand the business, not just here to write big cheques

A lot of entrepreneurs find it difficult to balance their work and personal lives. How have you found that?

Develop different departments Delegate work and monitor Take risks with young people, allow them to make mistakes and grow

Give us a bit of an insight into the influences behind the company?

I had a developed a similar product when I headed Research at Jones Lang LaSalle. CRE Matrix is a much refined, superior platform compared to the JLL REIS platform.

CRE Matrix’s CLOUD based Real Estate Analytics Platform offers all RE sector stakeholders the best data and analysis across all major Indian cities for offices, Malls, warehouses and Housing assets.

It brings a massive layer of transparency to the opaque real estate sector

What do you think is your magic sauce? What sets you apart from the competitors?

Our Speed of collating data Our Analysis Pedigree of our team Our platform which is ever improving Our speed of services to client queries

How have you found sales so far? Do you have any lessons you could pass on to other founders in the same market as you just starting out?

Find the right partners. Don’t shy from giving some fees Digital marketing is here to stay Attend forums

What is the biggest challenge you have faced so far in your business, and how did you overcome it?

Hiring the right set of people to develop a cohesive team Retain good talent without throwing money at them Give them space to grow and Opportunities Give them respect It’s OK to make some mistakes

What do you consider are the main strengths of operating your business in India and the specific state you are in over other states in India?

India Real Estate market is OPAQUE. Therefore it is the best place to introduce a product / platform that adds a layer of transparency to the market stakeholders. It is critical for their business

What (if any) are some weaknesses of operating your business within India and your state?

Poor government websites and systems Different Indian languages makes it difficult to bring standardization Digitization of data records is a huge challenge

If you could operate your business in another state in India rather than the State you are in, which state would it be and why?

We are present in all big and relevant states of India

India has an incredibly diverse population. How has the affected your consumer base and business?

Since we are a B2B business, India’s diverse population does not affect our business.

However the diverse languages across different states across India, we have great difficulty in converting these vernacular documents into English.

Infrastructure is really important to businesses. How have you seen India’s infrastructure improve recently? Do you see new opportunities opening up?

Indian government’s definition of digitization is scanning of lease and sale documents. That’s NOT digitization!!

What we are doing is digitization. We purchase the documents from various state websites, read them and convert them to English data so that our clients can benefit from the same.

We help Developers build better, Brokers broke better, Investors invest better, Banks lend better and occupiers rent better

What do you want to accomplish in the next 5 years with your business?

As our B2B business is attaining stability, we are now aiming to launch & focus on our B2C brand “IndexTap” IndexTap is India’s FIRST and ONLY Mobile APP aimed at HomeBuyers or HomeRenters with maximum transparent data so that they can make better decisions.

They have been gullible for decades.

And finally, if people want to get involved and learn more about your business, how should they do that?

These tariffs do not impact our business. However, Yes, these tariffs do impact the industry overall.

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